Articles & Opinion

Getty Museum Challenge

Art lovers aren’t able to visit their favorite museums, so they are recreating their favorite works at home. The Getty Museum in Los Angeles challenged its Twitter followers to post photos of themselves recreating a favorite work of art, using whatever (and whoever) they could find in their homes. Scroll down to see some of the most creative examples, courtesy of

The Results

Funny recreated painting.

Funny recreated painting.

Funny recreated painting.

Funny recreated painting.

Funny recreated painting.

Funny recreated painting.

Funny recreated painting.

Funny recreated painting.

Funny recreated painting.

Funny recreated painting.

Funny recreated painting.

Funny recreated painting.

Funny recreated painting.

Funny recreated painting.

Funny recreated painting.

Funny recreated painting.

Funny recreated painting.

Funny recreated painting.

Funny recreated painting.

Sandwich Dali.