Articles & Opinion

The Do’s and Don’ts When Flying on a Private Jet

For most of us, a luxurious air travel experience often means flying business class or first class. Compared to economy class, you have more legroom, better food and beverage options, and seats that turn into beds — better, right? Well, there’s an even more extravagant and convenient option for those who are willing to pay the right price — private aviation.

Private jet travel isn’t your typical way of getting around unless you’re a celebrity or extremely rich. However, with the cost of chartering a private plane becoming less and less expensive each year, it won’t be long before you get the chance to take flight on a private aircraft. In fact, you’re probably reading this article right now because you’re about to have your first private jet experience!

While traveling on a private jet is indeed something to look forward to, you’ve got to admit that it can feel a tad intimidating for first-timers. Many of us are well-acquainted with the ways and the rules of commercial flights: shoes off, belts off, jackets off at security checks; arrive at the airport at least 2 hours before the flight; no liquids more than 3 oz on the hand-carry luggage — the list goes on. If you’re a frequent flyer, you already know these by heart. But do the same rules apply in a private jet charter?

Thankfully, no. When you travel by private jet, you get to skip the most stressful parts of taking commercial flights: the long lines, the crowded airport, and the hours of waiting. It’s more fun and relaxed, and depending on the purpose of your travel, your host may even hold a party in the skies.

Luxury and style aside, flying private is all about having the most comfortable and convenient travel experience possible. Still, there are unwritten rules and etiquettes that seasoned private jet passengers have followed over the years, and it pays to know about them in advance.

Learn more about private jet do’s and don’ts from the infographic below. Click here for a larger version.

Dos and Don'ts of Flying in Private Jets